Happy start of Summer to you all! The green hills are giving way to our usual California brown but the heat is thankfully holding off for now.

It’s been a big couple of weeks here at Street Life Ministries, the development of our new Homeless to Healthy building continues and we are planning some great upcoming events we are excited to share with you.

We have had the pleasure of working with Redwood City Chief of Police Dan Mulholland numerous times throughout his storied career. As he enjoys his retirement, he has shared his thoughts on our Homeless to Healthy initiative and our Ministry in general. We thank him for his years of support and service and we share his words with you here.

I’ve been a member of this community for my entire adult life. The Redwood City Police Department’s delivery of services is a partnership. A partnership with the community and with organizations like Street Life Ministries. They are inroads to us, to members of our community that are food insecure and suffering from mental illness or substance abuse.

On June 14 Street Life celebrated Police Chief Dan Mulholland’s retirement and the years of volunteer service he and his wife, Shelly, have dedicated to Street Life. Left to Right: David Shearin, SLM Executive Director; Dan Mulholland.

From a personal perspective, my wife and I volunteer with our kids. We’ve seen the impact donations have. At my church, we spoke recently about how we’re used to further the Kingdom of God through the skillsets we have. Jesus took five loaves of bread and ended up feeding five thousand people, guess what you can do with a couple of bucks. Each of us is uniquely positioned to make a positive impact on someone’s life. I truly believe this community can be a stronger community if we just focused on the little things that we can do.

Kev’s Korner

Hey there, folks, and welcome to June!! Ah yes, the month where schools end, and Summer truly begins.

There’s been a few things going on lately, and I wanna break them down for you, as I am wont to do, but before we get into all that however, y’all know the drill by now, right? Top off that coffee, find a comfortable spot, and belt in – cuz it’s time for another ride…

I met Dan and Shelly Mulholland a few years back at a Street Life fundraiser at Main and Elm. I’m pretty sure I took to them right away. I liked it when I talked to Dan, how he really makes you feel seen and heard, and doesn’t break eye contact until after you do. I really liked that. Shelly was so easy to talk to. I liked the grin when I called her my “homie”. She was really interested in volunteering with us, so I was joking around and said maybe she could get her “ol’ man” to come by with her a time or two. She looked me right in the eye and said he’d be there as much as he could. She wasn’t kidding, man, and it has been more than awesome. It’s really cool to see Dan walking around giving out drinks n’ stuff to our folks, or even just chatting with some of the other people. He’s always got a kind word and a firm handshake, and really, I think that’s why I like him so much. He’s just straight up a good dude, with a good heart…

Dan retired in the beginning of this month, but still made sure to be with Shelly on Wednesday the 14th down at the Lot to honor his Volunteer commitment. We at Street Life decided we needed to honor Dan’s service, and to that end we gave him a cool wooden plaque we all signed. We also had “Thin Blue Line” donuts for dessert. Dan said the donuts were delicious…

There’s not enough room in this column to say enough good things about Dan and Shelly. There just isn’t. I myself stand amazed and honored to call them my friends. I wish them both nothing but the top-shelf best in their future endeavors – whatever they may be – and pray our Lord continues to Smile down upon them.

Lord, I’m asking You to watch over the Mulhollands. Please keep them safe. It’s amazing how You work, Lord – You know I only got 2 cop friends, and they’re both named Dan. Coincidence? I don’t think so. Somehow I think it’s all part of Your Plan in my life and I can’t wait to see more. I know You got this. Watch over us all, Father, and keep us ever mindful of You. In Your Blessed Son’s Name I pray.

See you on the streets!