Welcome back to our monthly newsletter!

We hope you are all doing well despite the recent heavy rain in the Bay Area. We extend our thoughts to those who may have been affected by the weather, and we’re grateful to see you again.

Celebrating a Milestone for Anthony

We are thrilled to share some heartwarming news with you all. Our friend and dedicated volunteer, Anthony, has received the incredible gift of a car! Thanks to the generosity of Trinity Presbyterian Church, Pastor David arranged for Anthony to have a vehicle of his own. This gift will provide Anthony with newfound independence, allowing him to navigate the Bay Area, commute to work, continue his volunteer work, and embrace more freedom in his daily life. We are overjoyed for Anthony and wish him the very best on this new journey.

Street Life Live | Save the Date

Podcast Episode Feb 22

Mark your calendars for our upcoming Street Life Live podcast episode, airing live on Facebook on February 22nd! We are thrilled to announce that Pastor David’s good friend, Pastor Lino, will be joining us as a special guest. Tune in for an engaging discussion and an opportunity to connect with our community.

Reflecting on 2023: A Year of Growth and Resilience

In 2023, Street Life Ministries experienced remarkable growth and impact thanks to the unwavering support of generous donors and dedicated volunteers. With the upcoming launch of the Homeless to Healthy Program, a 12-month men’s live-in recovery program, our organization took a significant step towards providing comprehensive support and resources to individuals experiencing homelessness by acquiring a new building. Collaborative efforts with the County of San Mateo’s 4R Program led to the expansion of meal services, ensuring that meals were served six times per week across three locations without missing a single day.

Additionally, the appointment of an outreach coordinator strengthened direct engagement efforts with homeless individuals, facilitating connections to vital support and resources. We even added a Kitchen Manager to better facilitate the meal service.

Throughout the year, Street Life Ministries organized community-building events and launched “Street Life Live,” a monthly live podcast streamed on Facebook, providing an interactive platform to share stories and encouragement. Our success and impact in 2023 were made possible through the ongoing partnership and commitment of supporters who contributed through prayers, volunteerism, and financial support. Looking ahead, we continue to support our mission of extending the love of Christ to those in need, recognizing the transformative power of collective efforts in making a meaningful difference in the community.

Engaging with the Community: Ministry Fair at Serra High School

Our Volunteer and Donor Manager, Ricky Wade, recently had the opportunity to represent Street Life Ministries at the Ministry Fair at Serra High School in San Mateo, a longtime Street Life partner. We loved this opportunity to connect with students and share our mission of serving the homeless community in San Mateo County. The conversations with attendees were enlightening, and we are actively working to engage students in regular service opportunities with our organization. We are excited about the potential for this partnership to make a meaningful impact in the lives of those we serve.

Kev’s Korner

Hey there folks, remember me? Yeah, looks like I’m back for a while. Turns out I had more to say, I guess. So with that said, my folks know the drill – top off that coffee, find a comfortable spot, and let’s go for a ride, shall we?

First off, I’m very glad that January is in the rear view. January sucked like an airplane toilet. My mother died on January 8th, and it was a rough thing to deal with. We had just recently (3 or 4 years ago) began talking again after a decade of not speaking to each other. I’m not going to get into why we weren’t speaking, as that’s between me and her, but the fact that we didn’t get to come to any kind of resolution certainly messed me up a bit.

I wish that this was the only thing that happened in January, but unfortunately, there’s quite a bit more.

The day after my mom died, my buddy Jonny was in a real bad bicycle crash. Some idiot delivery guy, parked on the wrong side, and in the wrong direction of traffic, cut Jonny off as he barrelled down Farm Hill Blvd at 35 miles an hour (that’s pretty fast on a bicycle). Jonny had to choose between hitting the idiot delivery guy’s moving vehicle, or hit a parked car. Jonny chose the parked car, and ended up going through the windshield. 12 staples in his skull, and a couple broken ribs. He’s doing better, but recovery seems a long way off when you’re in the middle of it.

2 weeks after my mom died, before her memorial service, I was at work. Just another Monday evening Street Life, when a friend came back to me after saying goodbye to tell me he’d just been assaulted by a guy over in front of Rise City Church. I told him to stay at the Lot, and went over to confront the guy. The guy was obviously high, and before I got 5 words out, he spun around (He’d had his back to me) and kept making X motions with his hand in front of me. At first I wasn’t sure what he was doing, but as I backed up, the streetlights glinted off the razorblade in the boxcutter he was trying to stab me with. Well, everytime he tried to cut me, I doused him with pepper spray until finally he seemed to realize he wasn’t going to win. He started to walk off when David Shearin arrived and asked if I was okay. I said call 911 – that dude tried to cut me. David called right away, and the dude tried to take off before he could get arrested. Unbeknownst to me at the time, our Monday driver Davin Cole, who is a retired SF cop, was following the suspect as well, and that’s how the RCPD was led right to the guy. When they arrested him, they found the boxcutter, and drugs. So yeah, I go to court Feb 27th to testify against this idiot.

Like I said before, I’m real glad January is in the rear view ‘cuz it sucked. February, I hope, is a much better month. It’s got to be, as it is both my daughter’s and my birthday month. I’ve got my fingers crossed, no matter what.

Lord, usually I’d ask You to keep all my friends safe, but this time I’m going to ask You to take good care of my mother. There may be times You might think she’s a little extra – and You’d probably be right, but she’s a good lady overall, and I miss her a great deal. Take care of her, Lord. Show her there’s no need for her to be scared or afraid because she is with You. I ask this through Your Son Jesus’ Name. Amen.

See you on the streets.

Thank You for Your Support

As always, we extend our heartfelt gratitude to our readers, volunteers, donors, and supporters for your unwavering generosity and commitment to our mission. Your continued support sustains our efforts to serve those in need, and we are grateful for the opportunity to journey together in faith and compassion.

Wishing you all a blessed month ahead, filled with hope, resilience, and community.

Warm regards,

The Street Life Ministries Team