The homeless population is growing here in San Mateo County. Local authorities say the population has “doubled, if not tripled, since Covid started”. We help the homeless with their basic needs, giving out food, medical supplies, and companionship, but we need to go deeper if we are going to solve this issue and get people off the streets for good. To do this, Street Life Ministries is banding together with a handful of local organizations to launch the “Homeless to Healthy” program- a twelve month Christian rehab program that will take homeless people struggling with addiction and help them fully recover and rejoin society.

Many of them just need a chance, and that’s what we will provide.

The homeless population is growing here in San Mateo County. Local authorities say the population has “doubled, if not tripled, since Covid started”. We help the homeless with their basic needs, giving out food, medical supplies, and companionship, but we need to go deeper if we are going to solve this issue and get people off the streets for good. To do this, Street Life Ministries is banding together with a handful of local organizations to launch the “Homeless to Healthy” program- a twelve month Christian rehab program that will take homeless people struggling with addiction and help them fully recover and rejoin society.

Many of them just need a chance, and that’s what we will provide.


Raised: $1 Million!

Goal: $1 Million

Raised: $1 Million!

Goal: $1 Million

Every dollar you donate was DOUBLED

We have reached our goal of raising $1 million for our Homeless to Healthy program!
That amount has been matched in full, meaning we now have $2 million raised to launch and sustain H2H, the first Christian residential rehab program between San Jose and San Francisco!

One year ago, when we received the opportunity for the challenge grant, we knew it was a huge step forward for us unlike anything we’ve done before- but we knew with God and the incredible community we’ve formed by our side we could make it happen.


We have reached our goal of raising $1 million for our Homeless to Healthy program!
That amount has been matched in full, meaning we now have $2 million raised to launch and sustain H2H, the first Christian residential rehab program between San Jose and San Francisco!

One year ago, when we received the opportunity for the challenge grant, we knew it was a huge step forward for us unlike anything we’ve done before- but we knew with God and the incredible community we’ve formed by our side we could make it happen.

What exactly does the Homeless to Healthy Program entail?

  • We will first establish a physical Street Life facility
  • Then take people off the street who we have built relationships with
  • Put them in housing provided by our partners
  • Assign them a case worker to work with them directly
  • Provide classes to help them conquer addiction and find employment

Our Mission

The Homeless to Healthy Initiative will provide a faith-based Discipleship Program that will help people struggling with homelessness and addiction fully recover and rejoin society. We will focus on realigning those who have lost their way back to wholeness with God so that the will and purpose of God will prevail in and through their lives. Our mission is to restore broken lives and broken families through the power of God’s love carried out in the service of God’s people.

Our Vision

We envision a world in which every addict is given a chance to experience the healing power of God through the love of his people by giving those on the street struggling with addiction a safe place to recover and a new start at a life connected to God.

Scripture: But we have this treasure in jars of clay to show that this all-surpassing power is from God and not from us. We are hard-pressed on every side, but not crushed; perplexed, but not in despair; persecuted, but not abandoned; struck down, but not destroyed. 2 Corinthians 4:7-9

Why don’t homeless people just get jobs on their own?

In many cases, people are homeless because of drug addiction and mental illness. The addiction numbs the pain, but destroys their life, and makes it extremely difficult to escape the situation they are in. Additionally, it can be difficult to get and hold a job if you don’t have a way to clean yourself, ways to get around, or decent clothes to wear to an interview.

This is why we are focused on getting people clean and sober FIRST and getting them housed and employed SECOND.

Why don’t homeless people just get jobs on their own?

In many cases, people are homeless because of drug addiction and mental illness. The addiction numbs the pain, but destroys their life, and makes it extremely difficult to escape the situation they are in. Additionally, it can be difficult to get and hold a job if you don’t have a way to clean yourself, ways to get around, or decent clothes to wear to an interview.

This is why we are focused on getting people clean and sober FIRST and getting them housed and employed SECOND.

Doesn’t San Mateo County already have rehab programs?

Yes, but nothing like this. San Mateo County has smaller shelters and programs to help people, but no holistic faith-based programs like this. There is no inclusive Christian program that heals a person’s addiction, gives them employable skills, and helps them land an apartment.

Additionally, one of the biggest problems rehab programs have is getting people to choose to enter them. We have spent over 20 years building relationships and trust with people on the streets. We already have people ready and willing to enter the program, we just need to get it open.

How much will it cost to get 1 person off the streets?


To host someone in this program for 1 year and help them become a full participating member of society, for many years to come.


If we do nothing and leave someone on the streets, over the next 10 years it will cost society…


How much will it cost to get 1 person off the streets?


To host someone in this program for 1 year and help them become a full participating member of society, for many years to come.


If we do nothing and leave someone on the streets, over the next 10 years it will cost society…


How many people will this get off the streets?

We will start with a smaller number of participants, but once it gets going we anticipate up to 20 to 30 people per year. We will regularly share stories and interviews from people in the program, so you can share in their successes.

How many people will this get off the streets?

We will start with a smaller number of participants, but once it gets going we anticipate up to 20 to 30 people per year. We will regularly share stories and interviews from people in the program, so you can share in their successes.

How do we know this will work?

How do we know this will work?

We have worked closely in partnership with many established organizations, such as LifeMoves, to base our programs off of ones that are proven to work. Studies of similar faith-based addiction recovery programs such as “Adult & Teen Challenge” have shown them to be very successful. In a 2019 study of “Adult & Teen Challenge”, they surveyed 340 graduates and found that 78% of them remained sober and substance-free following graduation. Homeless to Healthy is particularly tailored for the chronically homeless- a crowd that needs help in more ways than just recovery, and a crowd whose needs we are prepared to meet.

Even without currently having a rehab program of our own, we are successfully helping people get off the Streets. Take a look at a few of our testimonials:

What is Street Life Ministries?

SLM began in 2001 at the downtown Menlo Park train station. Today, due to the help of many people, it now serves over 35,000 meals a year, five nights a week, in Menlo Park, Palo Alto and Redwood City. For 20 years SLM gatherings have built a reputation as the one consistent place the homeless can count on. Whether it is a holiday, a cloudy or rainy day, SLM never varies from the set schedule, giving the homeless a stable option throughout the year.

SLM is an established 501(c)(3) non-profit organization with a board of directors, and is very different from many “feeding ministries.” It serves a unique role in the way it cares for the homeless and the hungry in San Mateo/Santa Clara Counties. Hot, home cooked meals served in outdoor venues are less threatening for our homeless neighbors, fostering a safe environment for relational connections to develop with the SLM leaders and volunteers. These connections build trust for guiding homeless friends toward healthier decisions, medical assistance, detox, rehab, housing, mentorship and counseling. In addition to food and encouragement, SLM provides clothing, toiletry kits, sleeping bags, medical supplies, temporary shelter, recovery services and job assistance to those in need.

SLM is also unique because it places its staff and its services “in the streets”, and “in the camps”, where the homeless live. It reaches more homeless people directly in those street locations than traditional professional service agencies. Additionally, no other homeless non-profit in the area provides local residents with the large number (over 6000 (change to 17,000) hours per year, estimated) of volunteer hours of opportunity to meet directly and be served on a face to face basis as we do. Homeless folks need love, care, trustworthy friends, and reliable, regular support to improve and/or recover. SLM is “in the trenches and on the street” every day, helping our homeless neighbors. SLM’s outreach can be accessed at all hours of the day and night.

What is Street Life Ministries?

SLM began in 2001 at the downtown Menlo Park train station. Today, due to the help of many people, it now serves over 35,000 meals a year, five nights a week, in Menlo Park, Palo Alto and Redwood City. For 20 years SLM gatherings have built a reputation as the one consistent place the homeless can count on. Whether it is a holiday, a cloudy or rainy day, SLM never varies from the set schedule, giving the homeless a stable option throughout the year.

SLM is an established 501(c)(3) non-profit organization with a board of directors, and is very different from many “feeding ministries.” It serves a unique role in the way it cares for the homeless and the hungry in San Mateo/Santa Clara Counties. Hot, home cooked meals served in outdoor venues are less threatening for our homeless neighbors, fostering a safe environment for relational connections to develop with the SLM leaders and volunteers. These connections build trust for guiding homeless friends toward healthier decisions, medical assistance, detox, rehab, housing, mentorship and counseling. In addition to food and encouragement, SLM provides clothing, toiletry kits, sleeping bags, medical supplies, temporary shelter, recovery services and job assistance to those in need. 

SLM is also unique because it places its staff and its services “in the streets”, and “in the camps”, where the homeless live. It reaches more homeless people directly in those street locations than traditional professional service agencies. Additionally, no other homeless non-profit in the area provides local residents with the large number (over 6000 hours per year, estimated) of volunteer hours of opportunity to meet directly and be served on a face to face basis as we do. Homeless folks need love, care, trustworthy friends, and reliable, regular support to improve and/or recover. SLM is “in the trenches and on the street” every day, helping our homeless neighbors. SLM’s outreach can be accessed at all hours of the day and night. 



Street Life Team


Street Life Team



Raised: $1 Million!

Goal: $1 Million

Raised: $1 Million!

Goal: $1 Million

We now have $2 million raised to launch and sustain H2H!

Because of all of you, two million dollars will go to helping people get off the streets for good.

We now have $2 million raised to launch and sustain H2H!

Because of all of you, two million dollars will go to helping people get off the streets for good.