Thank you for your interest in volunteering with Street Life Ministries (SLM)! All of our volunteers are what make all the work we do possible, and we and the community we serve are all grateful.

At SLM, your time and talent go a long way! To volunteer as a server please click the button.

Volunteer Opportunities

For all other positions you can download the job descriptions below, then please fill out the interest form and we will contact you for training. We have both regular and fill-in volunteer opportunities available.

Duties and Responsibilities

8:10pm – 9:00pm

  • Report to kitchen at 8:10
  • Unload Van:
    • All food trays
    • Food shields
    • Utensils
  • In warm months, unload any water bottles from the van
  • Label any unserved food with date and place in the SLM refrigerator. There will be a note on any food that needs to be thrown out
  • Wash hot chocolate or lemonade drink cambro – turn upside down and let dry with other drink cambros
  • Wash and dry any soiled food trays and put back in cabinet
  • Wash and dry food shields and when fully dry return to bin in van
  • Wash and dry utensils and when fully dry return to bin in van
    •  Soap is usually by the sink.  Hand dry everything with towels
  • Take the doors off then hot boxes in the van.  This allows the hot boxes to air out and not smell like stale food
  • Restock van for the next day’s service.
  • Dry and put away dishes
  • Return van to SLM labeled spot(back into spot)

Accent Cook Duties and Responsibilities

Scheduled for a specific date from about 5:30 PM – 6:45 PM in the PCC kitchen

  • Prepare pre-packaged salad, warm bread, make the beverage, pre-cut desserts such as pies and cakes and wait for the driver
  • Heat up other dishes for the meal. This could be overflow food from the previous night or Cooks do on occasion deliver the meal to the PCC kitchen requiring it to be heated at the designated time.
  • In some instances the entire meal will be from our donated dishes and require heating.
  • On rare occasions, it might be necessary for the Accent Cook to cook simple dishes such as rice or pasta.

Cook or Group Cook Duties and Responsibilities

Scheduled for a specific date according to availability.

Street Life Ministries provides the meals for the Open Cook Dates. The meal is made up of donations provided such as frozen casseroles and canned fruits and vegetables.

Generally, it is a group of individuals that sign up to prepare the entire meal and an individual that signs up to prepare a dish toward a future meal. This is generally due to the cost associated with the purchase of the ingredients. But does NOT limit individuals who are able to provide a complete meal. We have compiled this list of the most useful foods we can use if you simply want to contribute food.

  • Prepare your favorite dish that freezes well and we will store it to incorporate into an
    upcoming meal.
  • Fresh fruit is always welcomed
  • ‘Family’ or ‘buffet’ size frozen vegetables
  • ‘Industrial’ or ‘restaurant’ size cans of fruit or vegetables
  • Already cooked frozen meat – meatballs, various sausages, chicken wings
  • ‘Industrial’ or ‘restaurant’ size cans of meat – tuna or chicken
  • ‘Industrial’ or ‘restaurant’ size cans of broth – vegetable, beef, or chicken
  • Chinese takeout, Pizza, or McDonald’s food (or any takeout) is always welcomed. Our
    drivers are available to pick up ‘take outs’ too.
  • PCC kitchen is open and available for you to cook in each night from 5 PM – 10 PM and
    all day on (most) Fridays. Yes, it is fully stocked with all the right pots and pans and all
    the utensils you need.
  • On occasion, SLM gets uncooked food donations and you could use your kitchen or the
    PCC kitchen to prepare it.
  • For Cooks or Cook Groups that prepare the entire meal in their homes or churches, SLM
    will send our drivers to you to transport the food to the site

Duties and Responsibilities

6:15 pm – 8:00 pm

  • Arrive at the van parking location early enough to ensure that food is delivered by 7:00
    • Load food and drink prepared by accent cook and label containers
    • Load utensils and supplies.
  • Pick up main dish, when prepared at a location other than the main kitchen.
    • Arrive at the kitchen location
    • Direct/assist in loading food containers into insulated containers and label containers
  • Drive to service location
    • Check in and assist the table captain
    • Identify food and storage locations
    • Assist in moving food to the food service area until meal service is complete
    • Reload the van following meal service
    • Return unused food to vehicle storage containers
  • Return to the main kitchen and coordinate with Evening Kitchen Coordinator
    • Complete the driver’s report

Duties and Responsibilities

  • The Clothing closet is open every Monday and Wednesday
  • Arrive at the site in Redwood City at 6:00pm and assist with sorting donations that have
    come in
  • If possible, assist with sorting events that occur after large donations

Duties and Responsibilities

  • The sites are open from 6:30-8pm
  • Arrive at the site by 6:45pm
  • After the sermon all servers are directed to meet with table captain
  • Serve food, utensils or beverages per the table captains’ directions

Sign-up to Volunteer