Dear Street Life Ministries family,

As we close out this eventful year, we extend our heartfelt thanks for your steadfast support. In the face of challenges, your generosity has propelled us forward, enabling us to provide crucial resources and Christ-centered gatherings to the homeless on the San Francisco Peninsula.

Celebrating Triumphs, Big and Small

Join us in acknowledging the achievements made possible by your support. In the face of challenges, your generosity has been a beacon of hope, making a real difference in the lives of those we serve.

Our Ongoing Road

It’s been a long and eventful journey to become the organization we are today. Some of our readers are new friends while others have been around since the very start. Street Life Ministries has both a tradition and a future–and we look with confidence in both directions. Let’s take a look back at where it all began.

Street Life Ministries (SLM) started its journey 21 years ago when Pastor Tony Gapastione noticed homelessness near a train station. Responding to the need, we began providing pizza and engaging in conversations. In 2007, leadership transitioned to David Shearin, who, having experienced homelessness and addiction, took the helm. Surrounded by support from churches, local businesses, partner organizations, friends and family, Street Life Ministries attained non-profit status in 2012 and presently serves over 45,000 meals annually in Menlo Park, Palo Alto, and Redwood City.

What sets us apart is our direct service in homeless camps, where we build relationships, trust, and connections. SLM goes beyond meals, offering clothing, medical supplies, and collaborating with other organizations for shelter and rehab. Our unique clothing closet provides essential items like sleeping bags and hygiene kits. Our approach involves over 16,000 volunteer hours annually, facilitating face-to-face interactions with the homeless.

The Homeless to Healthy program reflects our commitment to breaking cycles of homelessness and addiction. This 12-month inclusive rehab program addresses diverse needs, covering detox, counseling, life skills, job training, and a job fair to reintegrate individuals into society.

We have made great strides in laying the foundation of our Homeless to Healthy program this year. Our acquisition and subsequent upgrades of the new building in Redwood City are an excellent stepping-off point for the next stage in the program.

Our Humble Request

Amidst our reflections on the year’s successes, we recognize the growing urgency of the challenges we face. Homelessness is on the rise, and charitable giving is down.

In this critical time, we appeal to your generosity. As you make your year-end donations, we ask you to consider supporting Street Life Ministries. Your contribution directly impacts our ability to provide essential resources to those experiencing homelessness.

Despite the hurdles, your support is a beacon of hope to us. Every dollar makes a difference in our mission to combat homelessness and foster community. Visit donation page to make a lasting and positive impact on your community.

Thank you for considering Street Life Ministries in your year-end giving. Together, we can transform lives and build a compassionate community.

Onward and Upward

Despite the hurdles, we’re thrilled to share our significant growth this year, made possible by your support. Together, we achieved remarkable milestones:

Provided over

articles of

volunteer hours

pounds of food
from landfills

These numbers represent real impact, and we celebrate the community’s dedication to making a difference. Sustaining this momentum requires financial support, and your generosity keeps our mission alive.

As we embark on a new year, we thank you for being a crucial part of our journey. Together, we continue to transform lives.

Please click the button below to make a year-end donation and ensure a compassionate community in the coming year.

Thank you for your ongoing support, and we wish you and yours a Happy New Year.

With gratitude,

The Street Life Ministries Team
“The generous will themselves be blessed, for they share their food with the poor.” Proverbs 22:9, ESV