I wanted to share the story of Stan, who has been a regular attendee of our Street Church for five years, with you all.

Stan has been living alone, cramped in his car in the Safeway parking lot in Menlo Park for five years. He was at risk of losing his car, the only shelter he had, so Danny, our Lead Outreach Coordinator, worked with him to get his car registered to make sure he wouldn’t end up with absolutely nothing, sleeping on the street. That experience helped him to open up to Danny more, and helped show Stan the good we could do, building more trust and a stronger relationship. A while after, Stan came to Danny and confessed he wanted to change the way he was living, that he wasn’t happy with how his life was.

Danny and Street Life began working with him directly to help him turn his life around. We helped him get assessed for low-income housing so he could have a place of his own, and are working to help him find steady employment so he can begin to support himself.

People can change, and Stan is living proof. Once someone ends up on the streets they are not doomed to remain there forever. When people feel the motivation to make a change in their life, we make sure we are there to help guide them along the way. You can’t force someone to change, even for the better, against their will. So, we stay near to people as a loving friend, providing for their needs and improving their life in all the ways we can, until they are finally ready to make a big change. We provide love and care to some of the least fortunate, and make sure they know they are worth it and that there is a path forward towards a better life, then help them down that path when they are ready to make the journey.

God bless you all.

We still are in need of pants! Thank you all for your clothing donations, but we still are in need of more men’s pants, particularly jeans.

Please bring donations to 1300 Middlefield Rd., Redwood City between 6-6:30 pm any
Mon, Wed or Fri. Or write to info@streetlifeministries.org. You can also make a
donation here, and note it is for pants.

Kev’s Korner

What’s up folks? Can you believe it’s already June?
Time flies whether you’re having fun or not. Well, as always, you know the drill – top off that coffee, get comfortable, and let’s go for a ride…

So, first things first – just bought some new coffee. It’s called Black Insomnia, and its’ claim to fame is that it’s now the world’s most caffeinated coffee. At 1105 mg of caffeine per 12 ounce cup, I’d say they’re right. I’m drinking my first cup as I write this, and I gotta say, I kinda feel like taking on the whole world. Pretty tasty, and I french-pressed it for maximum strength and flavor. When I first read about this coffee, I was kinda worried it might trigger some of my old bad habits, but now I realize that isn’t going to be the case at all. This coffee brings me back to that time where one cup did the trick, and I have sorely missed that time in my life…

So a while back, David told us all that the Lot at 1300 Middlefield was going to be sold – but that we wouldn’t have to leave it for at least another year. The sale has happened apparently, but our partners at Rise City Church (across the street from the Lot) have offered us some of their property on the Stambaugh side to continue Street Life RWC once we have to leave the Lot. As I said, this move won’t happen for about another year. I think it’s going to be a great opportunity for us at Street Life to spiff up, polish, and clean house. I’m really looking forward to it in that once we’re set up in the new spot, it’s going to be a lot easier to secure. I’ll be updating this info as I get it, but rest assured that we will be at the Lot for the foreseeable future…

We have been dealing with lowered numbers at Street Life this past week, but I am also aware that Redwood City has started its concert series in the square. Sometimes other events mess with our numbers. Overall, we’re still going to be here, serving up Grace and good food for anyone that wants to hang out with us…

Lord, we stand before You both ready, and willing, to do as You ask. Lift up our Folks and hold them in Your Loving Embrace. Please show them they are never truly alone because You are with them in all that they do. Please keep them safe in the coming months. We ask this through Your Son, Jesus Christ.

See you on the streets.