Season of Growth | April 2024 Newsletter

Welcome back, dear readers, to the April edition of our newsletter! As the days grow longer and the weather begins to warm, we extend our heartfelt prayers for your happiness and success in this blossoming season. As we anticipate the emergence of spring flowers, we’re equally excited to share with you the exciting topics we have in store for this month’s newsletter. Join us as we highlight a fun upcoming local event where you can connect with our community and support our mission. Additionally, we invite you to delve deeper into the stories of our dedicated team members, learning more about their journeys and contributions to Street Life Ministries. Plus, stay tuned for the latest news updates from the dynamic world of nonprofits, as we continue to strive towards making a meaningful impact in the lives of those we serve. We’re thrilled to embark on this journey with you once again, and we hope this newsletter brings you inspiration, joy, and a renewed sense of hope.

You’re invited to Give Hope with Street Life Ministries

Join us for an evening filled with hope and community at our eagerly anticipated spring fundraiser event! On May 9th from 5PM-7PM, gather with us at the Redwood City Sports Basement Community Room for a casual yet impactful evening. Enjoy bites from Arguello Catering, groove to the live music of Jeff Finger, and mingle with friends old and new. This event is not only an opportunity to connect but also a chance to learn more about Street Life Ministries’ ongoing outreach efforts to support the homeless in the Bay Area. From distributing meals and clothing to providing valuable services to those in need, your support is crucial in sustaining our mission. With rising costs and reduced support, every contribution makes a difference. Be sure to bring your friends and family for a night filled with inspiration, including testimonies, future plans, and video updates on our endeavors. Plus, don’t miss out on our raffle and auction featuring enticing vacation destinations. Let’s come together to make a difference and bring hope to those experiencing homelessness in our community. RSVP today at this link and let’s make this spring evening one to remember!

From Trauma to Triumph: Danny’s Journey of Redemption

Some of you may know our capable Outreach Coordinator Danny Hays, but do you know how he became a valuable member of our team here at Street Life Ministries? Danny is our direct interface with folks on the street and in camps, walking amongst them distributing resources and sharing God’s word. He is ideally suited to this because not long ago, Danny himself was on the streets with no one to turn to.

Born into a family with deep military roots, Danny Hays’ early years seemed destined for a life of service and honor. However, the path that unfolded before him was filled with twists and turns that tested his spirit at every corner.

Growing up in the aftermath of his parents’ separation, Danny found himself caught in the crossfire of his mother’s struggles with addiction and his stepmother’s resentment. Despite the love of his father and the arrival of a new sibling, Danny’s home was anything but nurturing. The scars of abuse and neglect etched themselves deep into his psyche, driving him towards self-destructive behaviors as he sought solace in substances to numb the pain.

Joining the military offered a glimmer of hope for Danny, a chance to escape his troubled past and carve out a new identity. Yet, the horrors he witnessed only compounded his trauma, leaving him adrift in a sea of despair upon his discharge.

As the years passed, Danny’s battle with addiction raged on, leaving a trail of broken relationships and missed opportunities in its wake. Homelessness became his reality, a stark reminder of the depths to which he had fallen. But amidst the darkness, a flicker of light emerged.

When his daughter needed him most, Danny found the strength to rise from the ashes of his past. With the support of his partner and newfound community resources, he began the arduous journey towards healing and redemption.

Danny joined Alcoholics Anonymous and completed the program, declaring August 30, 2019 his clean date. Through therapy, prayer, and a renewed sense of purpose, Danny confronted his demons head-on, refusing to let them define his future.

Today, Danny stands as a beacon of hope for others facing similar struggles, channeling his pain into purpose as he serves his community through Street Life Ministries. With each meal served and hand extended in compassion, he embodies the transformative power of resilience and faith. Though the road ahead may still be fraught with challenges, Danny walks it with courage, knowing that his past does not dictate his destiny. For in the depths of despair, he found not only redemption but the unwavering promise of a brighter tomorrow.

We look forward to expanding Danny’s role with Street Life Ministries upon the launch of our Homeless to Healthy residency program in Redwood City.

Charitable Giving Down for Second Year in a Row

Here at Street Life Ministries we keep a close eye on trends in the nonprofit world. Recently the RKD Group, North America’s leading fundraising and marketing provider for nonprofits released an eight-point report analyzing fundraising trends over the last year.

In 2023, RKD’s experts highlighted several significant trends impacting nonprofit fundraising. Firstly, there has been a noticeable decrease in charitable giving, attributed to factors such as inflation, staffing issues, and donor concerns about the economy. This decline, seen in both revenue and donor numbers, has persisted from the fundraising surge experienced in 2020 and 2021. Secondly, the impact of inflation has affected charitable giving, with individual giving declining when adjusted for inflation. Despite somewhat stabilized inflation rates, the public’s perception of the economy remains pessimistic due to lingering effects of the pandemic. Challenges also persist in donor response, with a steady decrease in the number of donors, particularly among new donors, necessitating the optimization and diversification of new acquisition channels for nonprofits. Overall, these trends underscore the importance of nonprofits adapting their strategies to address changing economic conditions and donor behaviors.

Furthermore, data from 2022 indicates that small nonprofits in the USA have been particularly affected by declines in charitable giving nationwide. While giving is still occurring, it predominantly stems from wealthier individuals, benefiting larger nonprofits focused on fields such as science, medicine, and global clean energy. Unfortunately, this means smaller nonprofits addressing critical human services like homelessness, substance abuse, and domestic violence are being overlooked and perceived as less important. The decline in giving has tangible impacts on these organizations, which rely on charitable dollars to sustain their daily operations. Without consistent support, such nonprofits face the risk of being unable to provide essential services, leading to increased crime, addiction, violence, family breakdowns, hunger, and, in extreme cases, even death among vulnerable populations. This underscores the vital role of regular monthly donors in sustaining nonprofits like Street Life, which provide critical support in areas of food, clothing, access to showers, and basic hygiene items to those in need.

RKD Group (2023). ‘8 major nonprofit fundraising trends as we close out 2023’ RKD Group Thinkers Blog

We are always in need of support, now more than ever. If you feel called to make a contribution to support our mission, donate today.

Kev’s Korner

Greetings, my peoples, and welcome to April!!!
Hey, at least for me, it’s GOTTA be better than the last 3 months. By my figuring, we’ve already made it past Easter, and the Summer should be right in front of us.

…Except it isn’t. We get a couple decently warm days, then back to the icebox. I know there’s a lot of places that are colder, but that’s why I don’t live in those places. Climate best by gub’ment test, right? Hehehehe… Anyways guys, y’all know the drill – top off that cuppa coffee, find a comfortable spot, and let’s you n’ me go for a ride…

Overall, things are doing okay with me for the moment. I’m always waiting for the other shoe to drop, though, and that’s a hard habit to break. I know I’m just supposed to “give it to God”, but sometimes I have a rough time taking my hands off the wheel. I’m doing the best I can with what I’ve got, it’s just that sometimes the best I can do isn’t good enough for me. Sometimes I expect more from myself, and when I don’t get it, I can get pretty hard on myself. I am truly my own worst critic. Now, I know, some of you guys will say stuff like hey dude, go easy on yourself, man. Stuff happens. And I know that, but I won’t tolerate myself not giving everything I got to what is asked of me, or what I am focused on. I owe it to myself to do it well the first time. That’s what I shoot for anyways – even if I fall a bit short on execution, or whatever…

I guess what I’m trying to say is that the last few months – really since New Year’s Day – has kinda sucked out loud for me, and I really haven’t been talking about it much. All I feel like I’ve been trying to do is survive it. My forward momentum has kinda stalled, and I’m lacking motivation. I’m annoyed more often lately, and I’m a bit more prone to giving both barrels if someone ticks me off. I guess the good part here is that I know all this and have the good sense to avoid people when I’m at my lower points. A guy like me needs to be careful – sometimes from the moment my eyes open – and make a concerted effort not to be a jerk. I’m too big to mess around like that. I get that more so than many others, but it took a long time to learn it. Anyways, although it’s been a rough road, I’m still here. Things will get better, and so will I. It all just requires time, and sometimes, just a little extra patience…

On an unrelated note, remember back when I explained what happened with us and the million dollar match to get a building? While we DID get the match, it took us having everyone write “H2H” or “Homeless to Healthy” in the check memos to accomplish that, right? Which diverted all donations toward the H2H fund. As I said in that column, and will say again today, is that even though that sounds dumb – you had to be along for THAT ride to really understand why it worked out that way. It was done with the best of intentions, and for the Greater Good. It’s also a REALLY roundabout way to tell you all that Street Life could really use some donations. Those of you that can I would ask you to please consider it, as we work hand in hand with the community we serve. We’re on the front lines every day just trying to help.

Lord, thanks for staying so close to me lately. I know I can be a real pain, yet still You surround me with Your Love, and hold me tight in Your Warm and Loving Embrace. I think the absolute coolest part, though, is that You know and understand my heart and my mind. You know it doesn’t come from a mean place. It’s just me working out some stuff. That stuff never comes easy. Anyways, Lord, I just want to say thanks. Because of You, I’m still here.

See you on the streets

Wishing you a Bountiful Spring

As we wrap up another month of outreach and service, we extend our deepest gratitude to each and every one of you for your support. Your generosity, whether through donations, time volunteered, or simply spreading the word about our mission, makes our work possible. To our dedicated volunteers, your selflessness and commitment are the heartbeat of our organization, and we are profoundly grateful for your invaluable contributions. As we welcome the joys of spring, may the warmth of the season fill your hearts with hope and renewal. Thank you for journeying alongside us as we continue to spread God’s love and compassion to those in need. Wishing you all a season filled with blessings, joy, and the beauty of new beginnings.

Warm regards,

The Street Life Ministries Team
“The generous will themselves be blessed, for they share their food with the poor.” Proverbs 22:9, ESV